jueves, 25 de octubre de 2018

1. Algorithm


An algorithm is a series of instructions or ordered steps for performing an activity or resolving a problem. 

Resultado de imagen de algorithms

miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2018

2. My self


Hello. My name is Alex and I'm 13 years old. I live in Fuenlabrada,(Madrid). My birthay is the 19th of October. I have a sister, her name is Carla. My favourite colour is red. I like doing sport. I love football and my favouite team is Real Madrid. My favourite player is Isco. This is a picture of him:

Resultado de imagen de isco

My best friend's name is David. I like play videogames. My favourite videogame is Fortnite. I like play with he and with the rest of friends. 

3. Flowchart


The basic structure used to solve a problem is the sequential structure. Here, the instructions of the algorithm are executed one after the other in the same order as they appear. 
Resultado de imagen de flowchart

jueves, 11 de octubre de 2018



1. Detect the probloem or need: What problem do we have?
2. Information and research: We collate, study and select informaion.
3. Search for possible solutions: We think for the possible solutions.
4. Choose the solution: We choose the best solution.
5. Design: We do drawings and diagrams or plans of our solution.
6. Prepare and plan the work: We choose the materials, techniques and tools that we            need.
7. Build the product: We build, assemble and finish the parts and assemble the object.
8. Check the results: We check that the product works and that it does what we want it to        do.
9. Presentation and assessment: We present our work and have i assessed by people          outside the group.
10. Write the project report.



I will include some of my favourite technology images on this page.

Imagen relacionada

Resultado de imagen de fotos tecnología

Resultado de imagen de fotos tecnología

Imagen relacionada

jueves, 4 de octubre de 2018

6. Example of algorithm


                           VIDEO EDIT

Hi,I'm Alex and today I'm going to tell you how to edit a video made by you, that is a example of an algorithm. 

-First, obviously, you need a video. You can recorde it of a videogame, chalenge... You can make a video with a camera, applications...

-Second, I recommend you watch it to see if the video it's ok. If not, you need do it again.

-Third, you need a application to edit the video, like Sony Vegas, Kine Master...

-Fourth, when you have the application, you can edit the video of the way you like it. You can make a introduccion, a farewell,an effects... 

-Fifth, you can publish it in YouTube, Facebook, Instagram... 

Resultado de imagen de facebook
Resultado de imagen de youtube